Ron Van Alstyne

Guide for Just The Men Adventures.

Ron is an avid hiker, backpacker, camper, motocross rider, ATV driver, and master fisherman with specific saltwater, creek or stream, as well as bass fishing knowledge. We create outdoor “AdventurEscapes” and help very small groups escape to another place and have an adventure of your life!

Brian Coppedge

Travel and experience lead for Just The Men Adventures.

Brian grew up canoeing, hiking  hunting and fishing throughout Virginia.  His love of the outdoors led him into sales representing brands such as Pradco, Waterskeeter, Brookside Flies and TFO. Brians’ work allowed him to travel the U.S. and Central America making friends while gaining experience and knowledge of Outdoor Adventure travel and planning. Brian brings this knowledge and passion to planning and guiding our clients on hiking, fly fishing and hunting back-country adventures.

We do four “AdventurEscapes” per year and choose from submitted applications who is accepted to go. If accepted you will have 14 days to accept or reject the itinerary and budget.

Go ahead – apply now!